
Read on for information about LotFP releases and news.

26.08.2009: Six Products in Print

The website renovations may not be complete but LotFP's 6 products are out in print and pdf! See the Products page for details of what's out there, the Reviews page to see what's been written about them, and the Store page to find out where you can buy LotFP stuff!

20.08.2009: Products in stock at Noble Knight

No Dignity in Death: The Three Brides, People of Pembrooktonshire, Green Devil Face #3 are in stock and on sale NOW both here and at Noble Knight! PDF versions will be available from RPGNow and Your Games Now on the 26th.

12.08.2009: Three new booklets available

The Products page has been updated with information about No Dignity in Death: The Three Brides, People of Pembrooktonshire, and Green Devil Face #3. The Downloads page has PDF previews for Death Frost Doom, No Dignity in Death, and People of Pembrooktonshire. The new books have been printed and as soon as Noble Knight receives their shipment (9-23 days from now... gotta love economy shipping), everything will be on sale.

03.08.2009: Ropecon

Had a hectic Ropecon, running games for over 24 hours over two days and missing meeting several people in town for the thing. Ah well. Website work continues to not be done as I move back to concentrating on work producing actual product, and also that annoying business paperwork that always seems to need attending-to.

23.07.2009: PDF's available from RPGNow

LotFP PDFs are now available at RPGNow. Hopefully they'll fix the manufacturername soon. :P

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