
Read on for information about LotFP releases and news.

17.05.2022: May Update

It'd be nice if I updated my actual homepage once in awhile, eh?

The US warehouse indeed finally received the big shipment from last October's releases so everything there is shipping immediately.

We also released through the EU webstore three new titles last month: Alex Mayo's Earth Incubation Crisis (112 page hardcover adventure) and Kelvin Green's Strict Time Records Must Be Kept (80 page hardcover adventure), as well as a new Weird Crusher featuring a new adventure by Kelvin Green which is being shipped free with all EU webstore orders while supplies last. These (as well as a full new printing of the Rules & Magic book) should arrive in the US warehouse sometime in July.

02.03.2022: March Update

The shipment to the US warehouse has arrived in the US and cleared customs, just waiting for it to actually get to the warehouse so we can ship out all your pre-orders. It's taken longer than expected, sorry for the delay, please bear with us.

We've had a bunch of new reviews and podcast appearances since last update!

The Book of Antitheses is discussed in the latest Weird Studies episode (co-hosted by JF Martel, who wrote the book's foreword).

Neckbeardia Reborn did a 72 minute video review of that same book!

Publisher James Edward Raggi IV was interviewed by The Red Room podcast and also interviewed by RaRa-Rasputin!

Raggi was also part of a FIVE AND ONE HALF HOURS LONG LIVESTREAM hosted by the T-Shirt Historian.

Wight Power got a 26 minute video review and Terror in the Streets got a 24 minute review from the Red Dice Diaries podcast. No Rest for the Wicked only got 14 minutes, In a Deadly Fashion got 13 minutes, and Punchline only got 12 minutes. Green Messiah got 17 minutes though!

RPG Pundit reviewed Green Messiah and Terror in the Streets.

The Age of Dusk blog reviewed Staffortonshire, Wight Power, Green Messiah, In a Deadly Fashion, and Asterion.

Terror in the Streets reviewed here.

GrimJim reviewed Green Messiah, 6x6x6: The Mayhemic Misssile Method, Wight Power, In a Deadly Fashion, and Terror in the Streets.

24.01.2022: US Webstore Pre-Orders Now Open!

The latest shipment has finally landed in the US! We are immediately opening pre-orders on the following books in the US webstore:

  • 6x6x6: The Mayhemic Misssile Method (Tenscore and Sixteen Ways for Sorcerists, Witches, and Other Thaumatrophs to Defend Their Indefensible Persons)
  • Book of Antitheses
  • Green Messiah
  • In a Deadly Fashion
  • Staffortonshire Trading Company Works of John Williams
  • Terror in the Streets
  • Wight Power

Also in the same shipment is a limited restock of these books:

  • Adventure Anthology: Death
  • Cursed Chateau
  • LotFP Rules & Magic
  • Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games and Their Modern Simulacra

These will ship as soon as they clear customs and arrive in the warehouse. This could take not long at all, it could take some weeks. Customs, what can you do.

Of course the PDFs will be available for immediate download after purchase.

Any orders containing a pre-order item will be shipped all at once.

Also shipping with the pre-orders will be our new mini-adventure The Printer's Devils. Everyone pre-ordering gets a copy for free, while supplies last. If any are left over after pre-orders begin shipping, it'll be included in all US webstore orders. This is a US webstore exclusive, it won't be available through the EU webstore or through third-party vendors.

Thanks for your continued support... AND STAY WEIRD!

24.12.2021: 2021 Year End Updates

PDFs of all the new releases (except Asterion) are available here. Turn off your adult filters!

Some reviews and interviews for the latest stuff (and some older stuff!) so far:

Interviews with publisher James Edward Raggi IV here here and here.

Interviews with Jobe Bittman about The Book of Antitheses here and here.

Interview with Kristopher Karosella about Asterion.

Book of Antitheses reviews here and here.

Asterion review.

The Butchery of Agnes Gooder review.

In a Deadly Fashion review.

No Rest for the Wicked review.

Staffordshire Trading Company Works of John Williams review.

Wight Power review.

The doctor Pat channel has been doing LotFP reviews/unboxing videos.

The Small Village channel has been doing LotFP reviews in Polish.

We will post links to new reviews and interviews as they are discovered on the LotFP Twitter and Facebook pages, and do occasional roundups here.

Oh, and we're running a year-end sale in the EU Webstore... buy Adventure Anthology: Blood and use the promo code VERO (all caps) at checkout and get free shipping! (we'll use the cheapest shipping method possible when you use the code). Also, all t-shirts 5,00€! Offer good until I wake up the morning of December 27th.

And that's all for 2021! Thanks for your support, and we hope to bring many exciting projects to you in 2022!

31.10.2021: Shipping Ongoing and Publishing Details

The new items went on sale as planned on the EU Webstore on October 25th. Packing and shipping is ongoing, and I hope (fingers really crossed) to have all that done by the end of the upcoming week.

We're also doing a series of articles about the new items... "Why I Published"... giving details about why I decided to publish each item I've just released. We're posting them on both the Facebook page and the blog... first one up at #10 is Death Frost Doom Throwback Edition!

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